Explosives Remediation

Illinois, United States

excavation site with ETC cells treating explosives contaminated soil

Project Details

2,325.79 Tons of soil was treated. Soil was contaminated with M-55 stab detonators, hydrocarbons, and explosives residues.

Project Operations

Project duration was about 1 month (November 7th to December 6th).  ETC Technology was utilized.

Planned Customer Results

All laboratory analytical results were below laboratory detection limits (basically non-detect).  Project completed with 100% safety record.

Ohio, United States

Project Details

Formerly known as Ravenna Army Ammunition Plant (RVAAP), ammunition was produced for the U.S. military during World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War.

Project Operations

Impacts consisted of TNT, Composition B (a combination of TNT and hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine [RDX]), sulfates, nitrates, lead styphnate, and lead azide (USATHAMA 1978), PAHs, PCBs and heavy metals all exceeding EPA Regulations.

Planned Customer Results

Thermal treatment achieved results that exceeded the Industrial Remedial Goal Options (RGO). Approximately 6,000 tons of explosives-impacted soil was thermally treated at the 22,000 acre site, during the fall of 2020. Successful treatment allowed the Load Lines to be repurposed as tank training facilities.

Safety is Our Number One Priority

Our process is designed to meet the most rigorous regulatory standards because we understand the biggest liability to site remediation is human health and safety. Our stringent protocols protect human and environmental health, and ensure an incident-free job site. 

Even our technology is designed with safety in mind. For example, our remediation process is static— there are no moving parts. Contaminated soil stays in place, removing the liability associated with loading and trucking materials off site.